A downloadable baldis-basics

All Baldi's Basics Plus 0.9 Textures and Sounds!

Now with all Meshes! (3D Models)

The Textures and Sounds will be updated when a new version comes out.

You can use these sounds and Textures for your Projects. Probably

The NINENINE Secret files are ONLY IN 0.7!

Names explained

Some files have Names in the File Name like "BAL"
1PR - First Prize
BAL - Baldi
Ben - Beans
BUL - This is a Bully
CFT - Arts and Crafters
Chk - Chalkles
Cmlo - Cloudy Copter
DrR - Doctor Reflex
Elv - Elevator
Gen - Math Machine / Numberballons
GS - Gotta Sweep
Jon - Jonny
LAt/OhNo_Sheet - The Test
Lose - Jumpscares
mus - Music (not all)
NoL - Mrs. Pomp
PRI - The Principal of the Thing
PT - Playtime
Test_(num) - Numbers in Test procedure event


  • Console_CharLow.ogg
  • MusicBox.ogg (this seems like lore or stuff like that)
  • BAL_Math_#.wav
  • NoL_Nums_3.wav
  • NoL_Nums_4.wav
  • NoL_Nums_5.wav
  • NoL_Nums_6.wav
  • NoL_Nums_7.wav
  • NoL_Nums_8.wav
  • NoL_Nums_9.wav
  • PT_6.wav
  • PT_7.wav
  • PT_8.wav
  • PT_9.wav
  • PT_10.wav


  • GUITestGrid.png (since 0.1 i think)
  • _nbGreen.png (since 0.3.3)
  • AuthenticBorder.png
  • BadliHead.png (since 0.1)
  • BullyTree_Sprite.png (since 0.7)
  • Green.png
  • hnt_nosquee_old.png
  • hnt_phone_old.png
  • hnt_rules_old.png
  • hnt_scissors_old.png
  • LightMap.png
  • Orange.png
  • pri_baldi_old.png
  • pri_beans_old.png
  • pri_bully_old.png
  • pri_chalk_old.png
  • pri_cloud_old.png
  • pri_crafters_old.png
  • pri_playtime_old.png
  • pri_pomp_old.png
  • pri_principle_old.png
  • pri_prize_old.png
  • pri_sweep_old.png
  • pri_test_old.png
  • TvBg.png

MIDISs (most Music) NOT included

Updated 25 days ago
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
TagsAsset Pack, Baldi's Basics, Sound effects, Textures


BB+ 0.9 Textures & Sounds.zip 60 MB
BB+ 0.7 Textures & Sounds.zip 57 MB

Install instructions

Open the Folder. Click them you know :D

"Texture2D" has all textures exept the Cubemaps/Skyboxes (.png)
"Cubemap" has all Skybox Textures (.png)
"AudioClip" has all Sounds  (.wav /.ogg)
"Mesh" has all 3D Models (.glb)


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Version 0.9 is her

yeah i completly missed it. I'm uploading the files in a few minutes

Audio, textures, sprites? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you credit Marlon49.

this helped me so much for my Anim8or models, thanks!

wheres the models?

yeah good idea i should add them soon. but they are in an unity format though.


tysm now i can make my baldi elevator simulator :D

why is all .meta

Those are Unity Files. I forgot to delete them. You can just ignore them.

Try 0.7.1

Yeah, so 0.7.1 didn't add any assets (because it's a minor update) so uh it doesn't really matter.

Hi, I'm working on a Baldi's Basics project, (Duh) and I decided to credit you for your effort of constantly updating the textures/sfx by making a custom info poster in form of credit! I unfortunately ran out of space for the "constant updates" part.

Just wanted to show you this because I find this neat. C:

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks a lot for this! You didn't have to credit me since these are not my textures but, uh yeah thanks. The project/mod you're working on is probably pretty cool. I'll check it out when it's done.

I decided to credit you anyway because you still need to put a bit of effort into extracting all sfx and textures from this game. So even if it's not a lot, I still credited you because It's a cool thing to do! And I like doing stuff like this! Just wanting to make people happy, even if for a moment. :D

(+ free ad for your other itch.io projects ^-^)

And this project won't release on Itch.io but instead on the SRB2 message board.  And yes, it's a Sonic stage based on BB's. -.- 

On this forum there's a category for W.I.P showcase where you can show off your upcoming works. This is where I post my progress on this map and if you're interested in it, then luckily for you this stage is nearing completion! Here it is if you want to check it out. :D

(10 edits)

I was looking up the text in-game and the texture of the font in the zip and found out that "k" is different between the two, idk if it's only this letter that is inaccurate but yeah when I typed the letter to put in a username when you first open BB+ it was different

comparison: (the one on the right is in-game)

edit: I looked into it even more and it looks like if a letter goes too high or too low (like how "p" goes further down than "a" for example) although not all of the letters of that type are inaccurate (like how "p" itself is accurate but "v" isn't)

Make 0.5 template pack

Wow these are out after the 0.6 version is here